Even Odd Killers D2

Maf you have to hit SK tonight to not lose. Go for Insom

highest effort yapper more like

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you are trying to gaslight us though, we've established that's behavior you aren't in control of

I really am cop.
Not sure why ass had to post so many posts without voting on anyone.


Just be aware of the fact that Insom directly softed/challenged your role claim in order to get out of a lynch (but without actually hard claiming so that he can easily retract it tomorrow) and Nyte fell for it and took her vote off.

Well I have four hours to make up my mind here.

Realizing I'm being gaslit and spending too much time thinking about the term "femcel fatwa" and how fatwa makes less sense than other options. I see alliteration is more important than meaning with you, hardly a based and red-pilled personality trait.

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Which other option would you suggest?

jihad, fatwa to me implies they're acting from some sort of basis of structural authority. It also has a more insidious connotation among those who cower when seeing romanized arabic but does lose the alliterative flow

Yes I did originally consider some Dune quotes about the inevitable jihad or whatever but after a quick google got bored of that approach and settled on the alliteration, which I think is more catchy.

It's also funny in the structural authority context because it implies some sort of deeper process or conspiracy - there is somewhere an organization of femcels, which Nyte is a part of, which has ordered this fatwa to ruin my mafia games. This is a new creative direction we might explore in a future mafia game

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To me jihad invokes more noble thoughts - for example the image of personal jihad to purge our own internal shortcomings. It's a more generalized concept

Whereas fatwa is targeted and vulgar. Evokes images of Salman Rushdie with an eyepatch

This is me.

This is what you've done to me Nyte.

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Have they? Or is that just your general perspective when a woman questions your sincerity/character/intellect/anything?

Who's they in this question, it's not clear what you're responding to

No woman has ever questioned my sincerity/character/intellect/anything aside from Nyte.

Yes it is. Enough.

Are you referring to Nyte as "they" lol

On MafiaUniverse you would immediately be subbed from this game for misgendering/wrong pronouns.

More gaslighting.

The femcels love me. They call me, they say: She's not with us. She's not one of us. We didn't tell her to ruin your mafia game.