Even odd killers DAY5 / POSTGAME

sorry i asked him to cook the bot for me just in case i survived the night he must've broken it

The game is ogre.

Town narrowly wins.

All of the game bans are now lifted. We'll now discuss mafia rulebreaking, optimal town play, and post-game punishment. Some of the accounts that broke rules during this game may see bans reinstated depending on what people feel the punishments should be

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as a moderated user i accept my ban


I won.

And it wasn't even close. Bazinga should really consider going back to among us on discord.

GG to insom and div.

I don't think town deserved the win and has a lot to work on and improve.

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You're speaking about yourself here, right? You played terribly every single day you were alive and almost lost us the game.

i should've let insom talk it would've been really funny if he counter counter claimed


@big_ass You literally got humiliated by a first time mafia first time scum player.


Unfortunately that's not correct. You really shouldn't talk as your play was horrendously sub-optimal this game and you will likely be earning a ban for being this bad at town.

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I don't mean to brag but my play singlehandedly killed 2 anti-town players, you were only useful as a sacrificial mislynch.


Are you referring to yourself? Your play single-handedly killed yourself, removing an anti-town player from the game. That still makes only 1 player.

A leader is not afraid to die to inspire his people.


I agree. But I think the day 2 would have gone better if you were alive and participating

No, the longer I'm alive the longer mafia will try to get me lynched - if I confirm myself as town immediately then there is no room to for my teammates to fail anymore.

That's not what happened in the game.

Unfortunately in the day 2 I had only Nyte as my active town teammate which - we will just say - left your teammates a LOT of room to fail

nothing would've stopped me from behaving like a dog who had a bone ripped out of their mouth. You were going to die, and everybody was going to let it happen.