Even odd killers game

yeah well i don't, and i also think you aren't town. crazy right

Well you said I'm SK which would still mean I'm un-aligned with any other player and therefore giving genuine reads. Unless you're going to change me over so you can scumread both of us together

No comments on LBJ? He's playing exactly his scum game from every other LBJ scum game

no? i specifically read you as sk

Comment on LBJ. Read LBJ's ISO

deflecting. sk wants to find scum, you said so yourself.

I think you're maybe one of the worst mafia players of all time.

i'm fine with you thinking that.

Looking into LBJ.iso

1 Like

you wanted to push a policy lynch and they were griefing the game, nobody's vote on VT means anything

SK the kill order is LBJ and then if he flips red kill Nyte. Bazinga also in that list somewhere

That's if you took the investigation immunity. Your greatest threat is mafia nightkill

If you took the one-shot BP, condolences, unfortunately your situation is still the same. Getting hit by the mafia nightkill is effectively the same as a cop check, so you still need to eliminate maf, but now you're also hunting for cop.

To find cop I suggest you kill Insom who is either SK or cop.

More likely SK actually



@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
insom 2 KrazyKat, ilmemmerdelui
bazingaboy 2 Vanilla_Town, Nyte
nyte 2 LuckyArtist, bazingaboy
vanilla_town 1 insom
luckyartist 1 big_ass
krazykat 1 Strawberry_Donut_King

Not Voting

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


Iā€™m team nyte now
@mafiabot vote @bazingaboy

No, it was chill. All I found found on there was a wicked nice highlight reel

really interested in hearing why @big_ass wants to flip LBJ instead of the person they believe to be serial killer