Idk was your net worth 100k at age 26
Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind.
Because mine is and I will be graduating in a lucrative field with probably over half a mil
My networth at 26 was -120k
-EV to think about Mario speedrunners
Now its 700k+ at 36
I'm going to die with more money than you
You're fucking old dude no wonder you can't learn
I also got 5 kiddos
Fuck sake bro use a condom
I have 5 kiddos i didnt learn when i was young either
Inshallah you don't not lose their money
Ever since btc got banned in China nothing happens at night lol
Literally every day I wake up it's like within 500 bucks of when I slept
Just did opposite of what jdance told me and made money
Inshallah that works for you while you sleep
am i misunderstanding something or did faz just post an eight dollar and ninety two cent gain trade
his strategy is to short at a local high and hope it goes down or long at a local low and hope it goes up
hes already been burned several times shorting local highs