Faz's Crypto Thread

Do you even know why it’s dipping?

Correlated to stock market.

its dipping cause of stock market and depreciation

Stock market closes, Asians wake up and buy at a discount. 2 hours from now

Do u troglodytes know why the stock market is dipping... like dude...

inflation fears. not a hindrance for crypto

if ur so smart and not gay why don't u say why its dipping

webull is the way to go btw

Webull is Chinese owned

Did you learn nothing from the bat virus

Another day of normal crypto volatility

Today didn't seem like 'normal' crypto day tbh

It was

Look at the chart dumbass

5am in china are you ready

big fan of china here

Yes wake up my sleepy eyed friends




Platinum QC: CC 115


elon musk is a literal bitch i dont like him anymore