Faz's Crypto Thread

my smooth brain doesn't comprehend the hate/anger directed at me over our forum relationship

You rape what you sow.

you might be right.

I don't remember hating on anyone here, raging for lack of activity in mafia game maybe. but that's as far as I recall being a douche here.

I miss jdance. Crazy I know

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Would've been soo funny to have him here for the market crash

@NumetaGodwastaken you still holding?

is it time for a memorial thread?

If I had a memorial thread for every user I missed this site would be a virtual graveyard. I guess it already is haha

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Howd u see it coming i got stopped for 8% loss lol

First lost trade this year

I just kind of expected it go reject there as there was a potential to form an origin


Yeah dude we are used to these kind of traumatizing events so what

Eagerly awaiting the day when USDT breaks peg by 10%

Oh no!
