Faz's Crypto Thread



fuck me I closed my long too soon hah. Didn't see this coming

what a dumb market LMAO

new local highs inc

SNP500 doing same thing

450 spy before new lows

dont hate me

as soon as the fed stops raising rates the market nukes

accumulation didnt really happen yet. I think market going to suck for little more.

no new aths for btc for minimum 2 years for sure

is eth actually going to keep up on a btc move again or is it just going to pass out again

unpopular opinion btc.d prob max 50ish% this cycle

25% pullback when?

Will rebuy in around 20 cents if it goes there

i highly double btc pushes through 30k on this move, I am just going to look for a big short entry and keep it for a while

It should range here this weekend and then dump next week to the best of my guessing.

28-32 is going to be such a difficult range to break

i honestly think that cfx alone might make me a millionaire this cycle


pullbacks are huge which give absurd entries
pumps are absolutely insane and destroy beta

average cfx/btc correction is -40%

currently at -25%

i honestly think its free money to purchase anywhere from -35-40%

Free money gamers!!! This crypto cycle!! WAGMI!!! NGMI!!!