Faz's Crypto Thread

who cares they had more dopamine spikes from the experience

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how much u got on hawk tuah

That meme is incredibly unfunny and forced therefore the token is worthless

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Sold the djt for like 10% martin is acting pathetic and i dont think this shits happening no more..

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Was up 2x at one point..

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Martin Shkreli? Acting pathetic? U sure? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Once again being too lazy to do anything pays off.

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Can someone explain to me why jdance is still delivering pizzas when he's got 100s of thousands made in this shit?

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Family business / friends work there / its more fun than it is a job / if i were to quit i wouldnt know what to do and i would get bored and miss it anyways

Why not do anything else? Why not go to actual school for the shit you're interested in?

He tried that with computer science then dropped out I believe and then tried that other part by joining an electrician Union where he got on a job then got laid off and just went back to the pizza shop

I would open a milkshake shop. It'd be a front for illegal poker games.

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He’s in an electrician apprenticeship or something. And I think his family runs that pizza shop or he probably wouldn’t be helping at all

His family are all loser white trash I doubt they own more than their house which they probably bought in 2009


My father is a multi millionaire with a 5 bedroom house on a florida coast

My mom has worked at walmart for 25 years but really loves squirrels and fairies

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My brother is going back to court for stealing from walmart

he cute tho?

no bail set stealing from walmart? Doubt