Faz's Crypto Thread

be ready to crown the king. administration can, must and will be usurped. gift me the administrative jewels. there can only be one that sits the throne.

where's my knight? come, tend to your king.

tell me tywin, does it pain you to admit defeat?

time to relocate to another thread. this one has been razed for the time being.

salt the soil and dismantle the establishment. onwards!

i've been told that this forum is host to some of the most aggressive people on the internet. i've yet to see a single one.

perhaps I'll leave if you have nothing more to say to me


Shut up shut up shut up shut up

What did your mom make you for breakfast

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maybe he sold

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He seemed to be not doin great so I hope he’s doing better on his lil nadota vacation

If fed starts printing then BTC going :point_up:t2: whos buying the dip?

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Don’t worry guys there’s no way JDANCE loses all his money he literally made hundreds of thousands of dollars buying the security known as dog wif hat through careful evaluation and value investing strategies


Idk who jdance is but if my broke radar is right then you're probably just jealous


Also is anyone shorting Harley rn? Their CEO is a total fanny and people are going ape

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Bro I might just buy SPY

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there's no money in the underworld, but broke is still our best insult. don't get it? broken bones