Faz's Crypto Thread

Stock markets up 1200% in the last 10 years don't invest it might crash

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I highly recommend you pull out and invest in farming, raw materials or foreign markets.

Is refpsi on Dan's account

Are you the one driving the price of gold up?

Crypto is a commodity. Crypto is a hedge

I'm certain you were saying the same dumb shit about markets crashing four years ago

Congrats on losing money you fucking unpaid intern

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Don't mind me just outearning ■■■ delivering delicious pizza

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Are you okay?

No dude you're dumb as fuck and it's actually annoying

Eth 3.9k ----- DO NOT BUY --- CRASH IMMINENT

Also you should have NOT bought at 2.7k, or Amy other number

Eth is exploding. You better sell before the crash :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I'm kinda worried about you dude, try to take some personal time next week


I'll be concerned once eth is like 75% btc market cap

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My Queen

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1500 profit now. Crash incoming
