Faz's Crypto Thread

I did variety, horror game classics but ended up streaming this the most

Cool game

The only other person I’ve heard talk about that weird wycoff shit is this guy I know who is ■■■■■■■■ from years of benzodiazepine abuse

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It's a real thing but it happens over the course of many years not months like all these ■■■■■■■■ people think


i dont understand half the words he saying or how they're connected


jdance if I blindly copy everything you do what % do you figure it is that I make money

you clearly have a way with numbers and I find doing crypto/investing due diligence to be akin to mental torture

probably somewhere around 0%

why is that

are you saying you have a nearly 0% chance of making money in the future

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Is this real life

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Did Insom just say he was going to sheep Jdance’s trades because he posts his college math work sheets in the blog thread


better math than you!!

inverse trig functions only producing correct results in their respectively defined regions is ■■■■■■■■ and a branch of mathematics that needs to be further solved

@iaafr https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBg-WeEXsA8-wN6?format=png&name=medium

this for example. they can only own roundabout crypto

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loads fine for me

oh i had my image on desktop browser zoomed out for some reaosn

ok nice gg permabull forever