Wow would you look at that. Bitcoin stabilized back at 47.4k as I predicted
Faz long is now losing him money. Honestly who saw that coming
you are complete trash at trading lol i have seen enough.
Im not a trader!
lmfao it didn't stabilize around there did it? you dumbass you called that out at 8pm when it ripped to 58.6k
and it won't stay here for much longer it will rip up or down in next few hours.
im out lol wasting my time arguing over nothing with a dumbass
Chad on him show him how much money those two trades made
he didnt make money on either of those trades
i thought faz traded a short time scale why is he holding his long for so long haha? oh yeah its because hes losing money and wont close it until it goes back up like a ■■■■■■ holder
this guy trades exclusively on his emotions
Its absolutely okay to be wrong as a trader. Im still shit at it. And i have a lot to learn. You however are just a fucking idiot lol.
Lol wow you're really good at closing positions after $100 swings
So basically you've made less than you would have holding spot or going forever long from the bottom