Feeling like shit

Jdance if things dont work out with your live-in gf you let me know. You will have to wear a wig and stop being such a faggot though

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What are you checking /coronavirus for anyway? What are you hoping to find?

That's a good point I have no idea

Do you have any idea how many clear American I drink per day? Enough to piss more than 15 times daily

At this rate I will be pissing roughly 5500 times in a year, minimum


Currently reading


Making my gf confiscate my phone now cya in 3-7 days

No but seriously what are you looking for. I don't get the motive to read there at all

That entire thing is Americans talking about how the vent machines in their hospitals are getting rusty

I really hope as many americans as possible die from this.

Honestly, if i could press a button and wipe out half the human population of the United States, i would.

There's just too many of them.

It's a shame i won't but my kids will probably get to see the Jews being genocided for the second time and the Epic Federal State of america being plunged into civil chaos and it's slow destruction and demise.

What a holy day it will be when the massive military industrial complex that houses these Nig gers finally fall over and all of them start being harvested for organd and enslaved by the rest of the World's Elite.

Makes my fucking stomach turn the word "American"

These people are so brainwashed from the billions of ads and epic subreddits scattered across their computer screens they literally cannot hold a conversation about any topic that's longer than 5 lines without spouting some kind of retarded robotic political buzzword

Bernie passed a new law: All spectrum of human interaction for American males over the age of 12 will be confined to playing ARMA on teamspeak.

The Females will be assigned to the qualifying males to be their Gaming Wives which will occassionally play Dota 2 And MTGA with them. Vacant females will either Practice stacking camps and pulling creeps until they're assigned to a qualifying male. This is the only project that can cease the global terrorism being unleashed by this country.

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Reddit will be substracted down to two sections:

ARMA Screenshot gallery for a predominantly male and Dota 2 cosmetics gallery thread for a predominantly homosexual / female social space.

Cross interactions will be permitted.

I can already see Chris Whatola being a prominent poster on both those sections

Dude i think my sister has the coronavirus