Fuck Spitwad


i'm unstoppable


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brothers in arms

feel free to DM me on discord btw when you need a player for your inhouse

steam group just is not a good format

i had to leave. too much spamerino

I'll dm you on steam

just make a discord brotherman

it's obviously the solution

steam group is a barrel of monkeys

dont join the discord

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Not putting me on that list is questionable desu


Back in the day I played Akiri's stack of players in Orlando, FL @ UCF college lan tourney. THey all brought their pcs to the competition.

I went refresher Shadowfiend and we were fighting at Roshan and just after I casted the first Requiem of Souls, I was refreshing and I casted the second one, 2 of his players computers completely overloaded and froze/disconnected because of the particle rape on screen. (LMAO).

We won that fight at rosh btw

Grow up



wish it did
please let it hit those who shall not be named

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i'm gay, yes


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spitwad 4 prez

We already had one president auction off his seat to the highest bidder