fuck the police general

I can't fucking believe I actually read this.

How that shit not racist and marginalizing?

Ah, yes, realizing in your late teens that you've had to pretend to be someone that isn't you to fit in and you've suppressed everything that goes along with it is totally not a problem. It's definitely not a problem that black kids feel forced to act white to fit in.

Rich kids at a prestigious private school totally don't have any societal factors influencing their development and causing racist tendencies. Nope, not conceivable

Oh, word? There's no fucking claims over years and years of this shit happening at private schools? There aren't incidents of them punishing teachers who call out students wearing fucking blackface?

Yeah, trying to teach kids that using racial slurs is awful is a shitty practice.

Yeah, trying to teach kids not to stereotype and make gender assumptions is so fucking awful

Lmao, teaching kids to not use racial slurs and repeat stereotypes isn't teaching them how to treat others?

Yeah, punitive measures are so much better than focusing on fixing the actual issues. Our prison system has definitely proven that

Yeah, because being racist, sexist, and homophobic is perfectly fine adult behavior.

Holey fucc. What the fuck? Yeah, teaching kids at a young age that there are systemic mechanisms of oppression and they should be cognizant of them and how they can diminish them is awful. Teaching them to not be racist doesn't teach them how to navigate relationships with their peers.


Are you fucking kidding me? Who else is better to teach kids about criminal justice reform than someone who's experienced the horrors of our prison system?

BREAKING NEWS: PTA Wine Mom Thinks Our Bail System Is Fair and Doesn't Fuck Over the Poor


Jesus fucking Christ: cops kill a man with impunity, there are protests across the country, the cops are beating and teargassing peaceful protestors, and the school isn't supposed to acknowledge that?

Ah, yes, her experience with her friends is totally indicative that racism isn't in an issue in the US. Just ignore the prison statistics

Yeah, ignoring race and how it is used to imprison and impoverish swathes of black people is totally the solution. Just ignore the systemic oppression and it'll go away

So, rich PTA wine moms suck and are racist shitheads. Asoul is a racist. @LuckyArtist any other conclusions to be drawn from this that I missed?