[game] fucking retard mafia: act i

Seems odd we have Mason's and two suicide thing already. Not sure they can be alignment indicative. Cause that would mean 4 vt.

i don't think friend is mason @Roragok

mason friend either waits to say something when it matters or just doesn't claim at all

i think friend is also the suiciding role and trying to do something dumb to get lynched

although it is scum friend fashion to spectacularly mess up on day 1

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
friend 3 yns, bazingaboy, ian
murs 1 fuckmafiauniverse

Not Voting

Friend, murs, wolfy, Nyte, Roragok, theGreatWingdingi, kyle, electrowizard,

Alive Players - 12

Majority Vote - 7


Retard here

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Murs is scum

Day has barely started. I think it's a but early to be doing that.

Modkill Ian

i'm scumreading jenanda and fmu for trying to push me as an easy lynch

you should be less obvious about it

I can post my role pm at any time I don't care if anyone scum reads me lol. Claim your role if you want to live.

All suicide town should claim btw

Actually, all players should claim.

another game where scum tries to get prs to out

go post it

don't threaten to break the rules to try to soft clear yourself after being scumread

that's just lazy AND bad


You read like scum acting ignorant mate. Why are you forcing so aggressively?

town doesn't benefit from PRs outing now

roles should not be claimed until PRs are either about to be lynched or can offer something of value that offsets them likely being lynched that night

mafia already knows town roles and how many of each they have