[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

Do not reply to benny or nma they are here to grief and gloat, but we all know they just cheated so who cares.

I played in a controversial way as I knew I outmatched the town’s skill level. I got two of my partners lynched and then left alive people that should of been killed just as a way of making the game more interesting. If I really wanted to “cheat” I would start by not lynching Gamut and Krazy-Kat hahaha!

I vote Nmagane as LVP. Good game all.

Sorry for assuming they would play in a manner that would present the most enjoyment for everyone involved.

trusting a wrong town’s read doesnt excuse you for also being wrong

having independently correct reads despite the rest of town being potatoes that don’t reconsider the game is a virtue in terms of town play

something most of the players on this site dont seem to get

People play to win. Not for “most enjoyment”.

He knows Benny very well. I know this kind of relationship. There’s no way he was totally honest about this.







Stop fucking DEFENDING THEM you have to be so fucking naive to blindly go forward with all of these coincidences. No other group of people function this fucking way on the site or the old one. It’s jsut fucking stupid iiaf (and ewiz)

As soon as I got lynched I called that they would leave Dan alive as the last person they’re so predictable

I was honest about my opinion at the time. Since then - and especially during the last day when I saw the player list, I had been increasing in my suspicioun on benny which is why I didn’t play my vote right away on epok.

if you didnt go in with the assumptoin their relationship was relevant

then maybe you could’ve disregarded nma’s incorrect read and found the right read

reminder benny was still obvious because the fact that gamut and krazykat acted really weirdly to the second duel d1 CLEARLY IMPICATED HIM AS SCUM

This is such paranoid delusional thinking. I was very blatantly at a festival.

Obviously idiot. I meant that you would both be given different factions and you would both Focus entirely on Your Own Factions and Beating Eachother so that we could just have a nice, clean game – not beating eachother off. you guys beating eachother off ruins the game. Not even sure why i feel like you’d need this explained to you, im sure youre already fully aware of it.

Agreed with this. I should of been lynched much earlier.

Nmagane was actually pleasant to play with before and admittedly a decent player before Benny arrived. After that he just became 100% intolerable (focus shifted entirely on trolling games and parroting benny’s policy lynches) combined with blatant cheating. Sad to be honest.

I focused very hard on winning the game - but you didn’t focus enough and lynched me the final day.

No you’re sad.

You’re getting emotional or something. Relax and admit you assuming I didn’t think of this scenario is wrong and dumb of you.

The only people that say I troll games are people I just beat.