[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

What is it that makes you 100% sure Jdance is town?

You canā€™t put every read into words. Mafia is a social game not a game of Logical Sentence Analysis (the only thing you know how to do).

Since we all have an all-knowing oracle in our midsts, I'd like you to point out from this lists which players you've 100% towncleared.

I donā€™t think heā€™s wrong there, Iā€™m not 100$ sure but jdances play has been mildā€¦not what Iā€™d expect from him from when heā€™d roll scum.

But of course he knows jdances alignment ā€“ he is the a Mad Hatter, and thus knows who everyone is minus a Lost one.

Jdance Nyte Ironstove and Deepthroat so far.

Big benny most likely town along with Matticus

In fact I think matticus is 100% town.

Yns too.

You should always be able to explain your reads somewhat, even more so if it's a complete townclear (though I've heard that Autists have trouble describing their thoughts, so this might be an issue for you)

I just skipped here from pst 33. How am I town cleared when Iā€™ve posted all of like 6 times and didnā€™t even have a lynch on d1?

I donā€™t need to.

Through tonal and intent analysis.

Wow you're really good! Townclearing people who hasn't even posted a single time. Really a mafia prodigy.

And these are 100% townclears as well!

Yes - I knew you would comment on that which only further proves your narcissism. Very predictable.

Yes, pointing out your blatant retardation is clearly a sign of narcissism

Itā€™s not retardation itā€™s specifically placed there to see your reaction to it and itā€™s humiliatingly comedic.

Lets not get off-tracked though, what is it that made you 100% townclear Ironstove, a player with No Posts.

Can't read.

You just canā€™t stop making a fool out of yourself, can you?