[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

2018 me No Role Modelz

Would look forward to seeing frfm and supa but klaze is right that a lot of returning greats are not good (myself included)

The deciding factor in how well you play the game is how much time you spend on it (and how much time youā€™ve spent recently; if you know the people well, you will do well). A lot of these guys come back and have very little time so their play is not particularly good and they donā€™t improve because they arenā€™t putting in much time, then thereā€™s the added issue of high expectations (either from themselves or from their peers) and overall it can be underwhelming

Supa and FRFM I enjoyed despite this but faz had a big blowup when he tried to come back (actually multiple every time he tried to come back). Basically if a person shows up with the same ego and the same expectation to be right all the time, it can be really jarring when he isnā€™t. Add to that a proclivity to throw, ruin, and demean people when games arenā€™t going your way and youā€™ve got a recipe for disaster. Which is my experience with faz in the past couple years.

In summary all people should age into wisdom and humility and those that donā€™t end up being demented old mafia legends with demented old man temper tantrums and odd racist diatribes

but i digress

i still dont believe its nyte

if you played like pre faz and pre kyle the games were much slower which cattered to people like me frfm supa etc. not that im good its jsut we didnt have to read 800 posts. a 5day game could be a total of 300 posts or something.

yeah the metaā€™s gotten progressively spammier over time

though Iā€™m not sure if we hit our peak at the iafr pepper jae daes or if Iā€™ve just grown used to it now

doesnā€™t help that this site architecture kind of encourages spamminess

but iā€™m probably the worst offender on that front as well

jdance being my spiritual successor

rip pagers

This is very true. This site is a chatroom designed by psychologist standards to increase usage

Chatting with Matty in teamspeak.

Your lying.


Your lying

Hes lā€™ying

Just his friend j-crispy Roelplaying as Matticus. Sad!


All the names are real.

@SOPHIE can we get reactions back? I missed them.

I die for the glory of Benny.

I dunno, you should probably PM roragok and ask him this and other extraneous questions.
