[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

name names

most other players, in my mind, who post to amuse themselves, do it while also playing the game to an extent

I took that as a joke (only playing to roll mafia) - I think he enjoys (role)playing and wants to play more.

I think heā€™s tried more every game and heā€™s been steadily improving


@Derumination i apologize if i was too harsh and youā€™re actually trying. it was mean of me to presume that you havenā€™t been.

Benny to name one. That is literally the only reason why he plays.


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People always talked about how great the ā€œoldā€ players (Friend, Supa, Gamut, Mimic) were but Iā€™ve been less than impressed every game Iā€™ve played with them.

You may not realize it - despite it being said many times, but Benny actually is very interested in psychology and actually enjoys scumhunting as town to improve his social awareness.

The consistently best players on the new site for me is probably, asoul, matty (considerable drop after last game), jones(not nyte) and ewiz.

who the fuck has ever said friend supa gamut or mimic are great.

Alightsoul had the same reaction when I played scummy in a few games. Yes I play worse. Yes I hold back more, especially D1.

i think frfm is a good player, same with faz.i hate faz like most of you hate nmagane but he learned grew and was great imo.

i think around half the people here whoā€™ve played with faz have a rosy view of faz in retrospect but playing with him was a different story sometimes

he got good but he also regressed in some comeback games

when i stopped playing he was the player who i chose to represent nadota in that dumb universe shit

he did well there and became a respected player on that site

then got permanently banned for harassing and flaming other players unapologetically

I think Nyte (@jones) is the best new player.

Nyte once took an IQ test and scored a 144 I think.

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Thatā€™s very impressive. Well done Nyte.

I have faith in the other guys coming back but from talking to faz it sounds like his mind is made up on spending whatever free time he has away from his kids playing pubg instead of getting frustrated at mafia. Makes me sadā€¦Iā€™m probably one of those people with a Rosy view of faz but I think itā€™s because when I was starting out i saw him as a bad player that got good and that personally inspired me to try getting half decent at mafia even tho I had never played that stuff before

Yes I have that same view on deepthroat, my mafia inspiration and role model.