[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

yeah I just went into the maf chat

literally didn’t read the posts gamut made that night cuz I was retarded and having personal issues

same reason I killed klaze over epok that night; I just didn’t read all the posts and conjured the false impression I had

I go away for 2 minutes to get a piece of water and nyte starts raving and ranting about me employing afk strategy. I don’t want to say she’s mafia as I’ve been town reading her all game but you’re certainly playing to town’s detriment very heavily and not understanding our arguments against Kkat and gamut properly.

What’s wrong with that?

@gamut sorry for failing as a host that night it was terrible of me

You did fucking fantastic don’t let one slip up shake your self confidence

“You morons scum read klaze what more do I even need to say.” Me

“I didn’t scum read klaze” Nma.

I scum read klaze because he talks too much

I didn’t.

“You just got angry at us for scum-reading Klaze at some point (when we didn’t).” bigbenny

read a book brainfatty

I think you just need some water to cool off nyte.

“Third party or third mafia member: klaze” bigbenny

No it’s just a joke that anybody even believes you.

Was the water frozen? Then it’s called ice. You were getting a piece of ice.

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And you were perfectly honest about it! You’re not playing to win! You(together) enjoy causing the chaos and trying to make other people look “incapable.”

Did town lose? If so I called it rofl if not well damn I stand corrected gj friends

Town won last day

big benny youtube?

nvm i found it