[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

I’m kind of touched at how some town are using duel cancel mechanic to self-clear. It’s nice to have solid info to go off of in these early phases.

You’re scum.

That’s one thing we can agree on

Bye game. Lynch me.


Don’t lynch Jones she’s town

This is the first game I’m town in something like a year. I’ve missed this.

Yes, it touches my heart as well when town throws for little old me when I roll the red font

Nyte Nma lynch? Ehhhhh. I can see Nma but I’d be surprised if Nyte was scum.

Well @SOPHIE could just use his PR ability and check Gamut’s role pm.

this part of the game is kind of a meme lol i dont want either of these people lynched





Missing. Last seen near the free Dr. Pepper van at Anime North 2017. Answers to Kuro. Please DM if found.

Oh lmao I’m braindead it’s Ewiz Nyte. I have basically no read on Ewiz, I guess I should go try to make one.

Scum here folks.

Don't like the taste of "like 6 times here".

This is the only post he made before this one, and since.

I mean “and since” in the context of D1. I’m kind of exhausted, sorry if I spew everywhere.