[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

I have made a lot of posts not about you at all.
You’re just obsessed with taking the spotlight and getting all the attention so I’m trying to fix that.

Definitely a good song.

Why is benny mafia?

Gamut taking so long (3 hours and counting) to type a post certainly cements him as mafia here though.

Well your list is wrong. It includes me. I’ll make sure to repeat that after the game.

Process of Elimination :shushing_face:

I wouldn’t be so quick to put him on the list as there are more worthy targets (KrazyKat, yns (His day 2 posts are an incredible change of tone after claiming to policy lynching me), and You!!)

Matty is most certainly not Mafia though.

Can we votekick gamut

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This shouldn’t be allowed

Is it possible to make it so you can’t see someone typing? Gamut had been typing for four hours and counting now. It’s going to be burned into my brain

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Yes, thid

How long do you think his post is going to be? Over/Under 10 thousand words?

Even with an extremely slow WPM of 60 he would still have 14400 posts over this time period of writing.

14400 words*

So your explanation for placing me on a town read list is that it was a joke, was the entire list a joke, or just me being on that list a joke?

Get over yourself. Are you mafia or what?

Ok so Ewiz has fucking nothing to look at so let's look at Nyte.

Nyte's reads don't seem like maf to me, especially this post - paying attention to players that are playing in the background and not getting talked about as much, but not in a way where it feels like she's redirecting attention.

The weirdest thing I can see about her is that she's calling a lot of people red - but from what I remember of her town game this is kind of standard, she seems to do this for reaction testing, and she seems pretty consistently on Matty (who sticks out really weird in relationship pool) and Nma (who I have no clue how to read this game but I think Nyte has a point about being especially forceful this game with not much substance).

Would like to hear what Ewiz and think is "off", even when I look for it I don't see it.

I think he’s going to have a million quotes and almost certainly confirm he is scum. Probably going to start with something gay like "Hello Boys!,"

Bursts in the most violent laughter ever heard