[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

There are “results” in what you say…

There aren’t. Games are won by votes/lynching.

I don’t know if I need to make it clear or something but
Just because I put pressure on you or Nma or anyone doesn’t mean I can’t see other options, afk players and shoddy filler posts is generally a good indicator but I also know that it’s a tactic to employ for people who are more experienced

And I don’t know how many times I have to be clear that I will never trust nmagane and bigbenny to not cheat.

How do you think you get those fucking votes Jesus Christ.

I’m explaining how the voting pattern should go. It should be logical and straightforward to you. If it’s not, I can explain what you need to know.

A tactic to mislead*


Just go to bed. Enjoy the rest of your game.

I’m town. Good night.

unlynch Matticus

lynch kkat

Lynch Kkat

lynch krazykat

BTW guys I just had a funny idea, what if we chain cancel duels? Can we do that? Like, if we can get multiple people to suicide in a day, that only leaves the scum left or like how do I put it, you get someone to cancel the duel and if they refuse it sort of outs them as scum.

But yea jones canceling the duel was so dumb, she was confirmed town.

Hammer reached.

nmagane, epok, Jones, big-benny, ironstove have accused KrazyKat of hat thievery and beaten him to death

upon raiding his home, they found 5 hats

KrazyKat was a Mad Hatter

Jones was a Town Hatter

it is now night 3, need night kill from mafia.

The Fall of Tinsel Town: A Play by IAAFR

Act 3 Part 2: The Narrator Continues to Have Issues

ironstove is dead. He was Town Hatter.


Play to win condition; use of abilities considered wincon-sabotaging will incur bans from future games. Disciplinary action will not be taken during the game; perceived violations will be called out post game.

Mafia have nightchat only. Night will last up to 16 hours (mafia may choose to end night early) from the time of an execution.

Regular lynchvoting is not a mechanic in this game: the only valid votes are ones that take place during duels.

Days will last until either majority is reached or 24 hours have passed from the declaration of a duel, at which time the duelist with the most votes will be executed. The execution will never rand: a tie will hold up the day until a tie is broken.

IMPORTANT RULE: Duel challenges cannot be issued in the first 12 hours of a day; however, you may issue a preemptive duel within the first 8 hours of the day using the normal phrasing. If multiple preemptive duels are issued before the 8 hour mark, the duel will be randed. Preemptive duels can also be cancelled with the bolded phrase, Nevermind, I take it back.

Duelists will be considered to be automatically cross-voting. They cannot self-vote or retract their vote. Therefore, majority will be counted from the remaining non-dueling players during the day. Example: with 16 people alive and 2 dueling each other, majority will require 8 votes from the non-duelists.

Minimum post requirement of 5 non-fluff posts by the 24 hour mark of each day. Violators will be modkilled.

All the standard rules of the Mafia subforum apply; the most important are the following:

Do not discuss or make reference to this game in any capacity outside the Game Threads until the game has concluded.

Do not post in the Game Threads during night for any reason.

Ask questions about mechanics and rules directly through PM, and do not refer to any communications from the host in the Game Thread.

If necessary, I will make rule clarifications in the Game Thread without reference to who brought up the issue: do not claim to be the reason for any clarification.

Do not use out-of-game information inside the Game Thread for the purposes of deducing (or pretending to deduce) alignment.

Example Role PMs

Town Hatter (x12)

Town Hatter Role PM

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Hatter.


Hat Duel: During the day phase, you may type in bold:
[Player Name], I Believe You Have My Hat!

If you are the first to declare this after the 8 hour waiting period, or if your duel is chosen through rand between preemptive duels, votes for that day will become locked between you and your target, and the day will end when majority (hammer) is reached on one of the two duelists. A winner of a duel is immune from duels the following day phase and dueling has a cooldown of 1 day phase, unless the next day is a Lynch or Lose (LyLo) situation. Even if you win a challenge that you did not issue, you may not issue a duel challenge nor be challenged the following day unless the day is LyLo.

Preemptive duels made in the first 8 hours of a day phase can be cancelled with the bolded phrase, Nevermind, I take it back.

Condemnation: While witnessing somebody else's duel, you may express belief in the guilt of one party by typing in bold:
"[Player Name] is a dirty Hat Thief!"

This is equivalent to lynch-voting, and upon a reaching a majority consensus for the identity of a Hat Thief, the consensus thief will be executed and the day will turn to night. You may cancel a condemnation by typing in bold: Nevermind or Unvote.

Sacrificial Ceasefire: While witnessing an ongoing duel, you may cancel the first duel of a day by typing in bold:
I don't think either of you have each other's hats!

Any Hatters who activate this ability cannot duel or be dueled, and another duel must be issued within 12 hours of the cancellation. The Hatter who activated this ability will automatically die at the end of the day phase. The stopped duelists cannot re-duel and will be immune from duels that day, but they may duel again from the following day.

Win condition:

You win when all the Mad Hatters are dead and gone.

Mad Hatter (x3)

Mad Hatter Role PM

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mad Hatter, along with your partners, [Player Name] and [Player Name].


Hat Duel: During the day phase, you may type in bold:
[Player Name], I Believe You Have My Hat!

If you are the first to declare this after the 8 hour waiting period, or if your duel is chosen through rand between preemptive duels, votes for that day will become locked between you and your target, and the day will end when majority (hammer) is reached on one of the two duelists. A winner of a duel is immune from duels the following day phase and dueling has a cooldown of 1 day phase, unless the next day is a Lynch or Lose (LyLo) situation. Even if you win a challenge that you did not issue, you may not issue a duel challenge nor be challenged the following day unless the day is LyLo.

Preemptive duels made in the first 8 hours of a day phase can be cancelled with the bolded phrase, Nevermind, I take it back.

Condemnation: While witnessing somebody else's duel, you may express belief in the guilt of one party by typing in bold:
"[Player Name] is a dirty Hat Thief!"

This is equivalent to lynch-voting, and upon a reaching a majority consensus for the identity of a Hat Thief, the consensus thief will be executed and the day will turn to night. You may cancel a condemnation by typing in bold: Nevermind or Unvote.

Sacrificial Ceasefire: While witnessing an ongoing duel, you may cancel the first duel of a day by typing in bold:
I don't think either of you have each other's hats!

Any Hatters who activate this ability cannot duel or be dueled, and another duel must be issued within 12 hours of the cancellation. The Hatter who activated this ability will automatically die at the end of the day phase. The stopped duelists cannot re-duel and will be immune from duels that day, but they may duel again from the following day.

Win condition:

You win when the Mad Hatters obtain parity (equal numbers with Town Hatters) in Tinsel Town.

Lost Mad Hatter (x1)

Lost Mad Hatter Role PM

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are the Lost Mad Hatter. You have forgotten the identities of the Mad Hatters, but you are sympathetic to their cause.


Hat Duel: During the day phase, you may type in bold:
[Player Name], I Believe You Have My Hat!

If you are the first to declare this after the 8 hour waiting period, or if your duel is chosen through rand between preemptive duels, votes for that day will become locked between you and your target, and the day will end when majority (hammer) is reached on one of the two duelists. A winner of a duel is immune from duels the following day phase and dueling has a cooldown of 1 day phase, unless the next day is a Lynch or Lose (LyLo) situation. Even if you win a challenge that you did not issue, you may not issue a duel challenge nor be challenged the following day unless the day is LyLo.

Preemptive duels made in the first 8 hours of a day phase can be cancelled with the bolded phrase, Nevermind, I take it back.

Condemnation: While witnessing somebody else's duel, you may express belief in the guilt of one party by typing in bold:
"[Player Name] is a dirty Hat Thief!"

This is equivalent to lynch-voting, and upon a reaching a majority consensus for the identity of a Hat Thief, the consensus thief will be executed and the day will turn to night. You may cancel a condemnation by typing in bold: Nevermind or Unvote.

Sacrificial Ceasefire: You do not have this ability because there is no way to fulfill your win condition after activating it. If you wish to read the details of this ability, refer to the Role PM examples in the OP.

Win condition:

You win either by winning a duel against a Town Hatter or by losing a duel against a Mad Hatter. You lose by dying without winning, or by surviving to the end of the 3rd day, when you will automatically die and lose the game.

Living Players (7/16)


Day 4 has begun. Duels will be randed in 7 hours, at 2am ET, unless 3 or more of the 7 players fail to check in for the day by that deadline.


gamut I believe you have my hat

I think scum might be Gamut and Rora.

Gamut I believe you have my hat

Its gamut and yns.