[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

We’ll make that call when the time comes. For now, switch your vote because yns is making more errors.

Yns could be scum.

Just like you.

We won’t win if you flip me. We have to flip KKat, then based on that conclusion go for Gamut or Nmagane depending on the outcome.

I just laughed so hard my god.

**I said outcome/conclusion redundantly – I’m getting tired.

How can I help you process the math behind this?

? Even if yns is town making mistakes mafia can’t outvote the rest of town. UNLESS KKAT ISNT MAFIA SHRPRISE!!!

Nmagane’s read on Gamut and KKat are super solid. I am not at all guaranteed to be scum with Nmagane. We must resolve KKat’s role so we can go on the right players on D4.

Lmao yns just pulls a hit n run. I think he couldn’t be playing worse if he were Town, and he knows that as well

dude u guys are retarded literally all voting on me in quick succession

Odd that you should say so because you are exactly who would be mafia with Nma based on things you’ve both said.

I agree, didnt you see me try to unlynch lol.

haven’t you been reading me as town all game dan

The duel on Nmagane was stupid, especially with how you’ve been playing today. We needed to flip Gamut or Kkat. We’ve need to flip them since D2.

We need to flip you what do you mean

“Omg nmas read on two afk players is SO SOLID”
“Something I couldn’t even come up with on my own”

Like, what?

Explain. I can tell that’s an emotional decision and there’s no logic behind it. Go ahead and explain why.

Good lord you’ve been considered scummy this whole game so don’t call it an emotional reaction ffs

No not since you gave me third party vibes. Dueling them would be an easy win early game for you if you were. But ewiz flipped and it leaves the way you played early pretty inexplicable imo. You’re just hiding behind the easy lynches and you know it.

That’s fine. Judge me by the results, not by what people say about me. Either way, I’m not the top lynch. If you think I am, give a logical breakdown please.