[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

You are unbelievably narcissistic and bad at properly reading people in mafia.

How am I jerking myself off? Please explain.

You’re trying too hard to analyze posts and making something out of nothing.

We’ve had this discussion out of thread, I don’t think we need to discuss it here too. You call me narcissistic when you’re the one constantly patronizing people.

You’re masterbating over your own perceived intelligence by marking off any intellectual opposition as some form of gaslighting.

I’m not patronizing anyone - In fact it’s the opposite of Patronizing. I understand and respect Jdance too much to make comments such as yourself at him.

I make my way through town and hang up a sign



Reward: 50 wongs

Please contact: b’Dirgle Kirk

I’m not making “something out of nothing”, he made two directly contradictory posts which I found strange.

whats with the hat duels on gamut. I don’t know if a hat thief would be open about it.

You’re likely mafia after Gamut.

No it’s not strange and it doesn’t mean anything. Your style of gameplay is doing this Shit to everyone until you coincidentally find mafia, just stop. Learn to town read people better.

This is a very good possibility too.

im not sure what the deal with gamut is he only posted a few times yesterday and non of it seems like off to me.

You keep saying it’s coincidence, I guess that’s the only way you can live with my lynch record being so vastly superior to yours. It’s very weird how you’re straight up discouraging information from coming out though, as even if I was completely off the mark, it would benefit town to have him answer that question.

And I still want an answer to my post, he made a post saying he townread me, when every post prior to that indicated that he scumread me.

Nmagane has a better lynch record than you.

Of course he does buddy

You should definitely duel me., if you want town to lose.

Accusing every single player especially the ones who are very obviously town is coincidence, yes.
And your lynch record lie has been proven wrong and not superior to anyone. Just narcissism at work!

I’m not “accusing” players, I wasn’t “accusing” Jdance here. I was asking him a question. If you by “accusing” mean questioning players, then yes I am Accusing every single player, as one should in Mafia (unlike you who doesn’t question anything and lynches strictly based on whether or not you like/dislike that person)

You’re playing the role of judge, jury and executioner despite being the least fit to do so in the player roster. Stick to answering questions not asking them