Gamers Thread

dont know if anyone else is playing sekiro but i just went back to watch a little singsing vod to see how he played some of the earlier parts and he beat guardian ape on the 2nd try. 2 tries.

armored knight on first try including going in and not knowing the mechanics, having to screw around and figure it out

though on the other hand he said "these guys are all easier than lady butterfly and I dont think anybody actually went and defeated that lady as the first boss" which is what I did - and it was fun as fuck

If u guys didnt know sekiro is probably the best game of the past ~2ish years

alright now he just immediately figured out the puzzle for the folding porch monkeys

singsing is literally born to be a shinobi warrior

he's Chinese bro the game was made after his people

its in his dna

alright he immediately knew how to fly the kite

he definitely just looked up a quick walkthru before his streaming session and is now pretending to not know for 2 seconds before doing the right thing in all the puzzles

maybe he already played it but didn't stream in yet retard

No this the vod from his playthrough when it was released and it runs like 14h per day

never trust a chinaman is what i say


Sekiro isn't that hard. Probably like a 6/10 ng 7.5/10 ng+. Monkey 2nd phase is especially a joke. If you can time your parry correctly and look for animations on 'dangerous' attacks every boss but like 4 are hard

Last boss, demon of hatred, owl (father), and lady bfly (before you get a couple necklaces and a dmg up) are the only hard bosses that took me 30+ mins

I agree it isn't hard in that I know exactly what to do after learning a boss's moveset and there is nothing gimmicky/everything feels fair

However that doesnt mean I am not going to die lots of times

Fire demon and owl aren't hard imo but that doesn't mean I beat them easily. It's just a well-designed game with well-designed boss fights

Raging bullshit was probably the dumbest boss in that beating him is kind of gimmicky and you fight him at the stage of the game where it's still early and you dont have the option to run around and get a bunch of stat ups if you're having trouble

Some later bosses like schichimen and headless were a joke for that reason. I feel like they needed to reduce the availability of stat and damage ups. Also found duo monkey not that challenging due to stats. Maybe it's really supposed to be fought the first time u visit mibu village though

He is meant to be fought before going to mibu I'm pretty sure. I do agree that some bosses become absolute jokes as soon as you get extra health and damage tho. Lady bfly is a perfect example of a fight that becomes extremely trivial as soon as you get past early game and get ok dmg/life.

I actually think the bulls are one of the easiest bosses in the game tho. You can literally parry everything they do and they eventually just kill themselves lol. The mini bosses aren't the best designed and a lot of their difficulty came simply from being in an area surrounded by 3-5 guys or 1-2 strong enemies

But I think the health/dmg up is just a way for people not as good at the game a way to finish it or out level like you could in dark souls.

Duo monkey is also easy as fuck unless you have demon Bell on and ng+ tho. It takes the brown monkey from killing it in 5 hits to 30

I never even fought the brown

I was cutting through the main guy like butter so I just kited and hit that guy and the brown disappears when he dies

he beat it seven times over 4-5 days on stream

the difficulty scales up until 7th playthrough

Regarding the minibosses I have seen some people making a lot of complaints but I think it's just because they aren't using their brains

You are in a stealth game, it is clearly a stealth section, you take out the various mobs without alerting and then you get 1 free stealth hit on the boss

Every miniboss in the game has 2 health bars for exactly this reason. They expect you to stealth up and get the first 1, then have a real fight for the second bar. I played the whole game this way and I thought the minibosses were fun and well designed. Minus 1 guy who was uh "well" designed hahahaha. Even that guy you can jump down from above for a free hit

can you play this on KB+M?

I played it with KB+m and found it better than controller. Having block as rmb felt very natural. You get used to the keybinds quick if you played DotA