Gamers Thread

Why play kbm just buy an xbox controller from Amazon for 30 dollars

I have been wondering if I accidentally bought a knockoff when I bought this thing years ago

It feels like it has input delay and also the camera is constantly tilting slightly right if I do not lock on

But maybe that is just part of the package when playing a Hardcore Challenging Game

I have a controller. I tried both and had a lot more success with deflect on rmb.

Mouse probably has lower input latency

I just felt like the controls were designed for controller. But definitely ok to play kbm (if you just aren't that hardcore and want to play on easy mode)

i feel a special sense of accomplishment after i beat a game with kbm when the devs recommend controllers in the load screen

furi was pretty bad with KBM tho

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The most annoying thing is you still get controller prompts so you really have to memorize the controls. I messed up lightning first time cus I thought you are supposed to deflect in mid air xd

Having a really good time with Minecraft on the Nintendo Switch

Play the other games theyre all well designed with well designed boss fights

Yeah mkb was my first thing too. Works better than people say, just Puritans wanna give you shit for it

Ps4 controllers just way better than xbux. Only issue is I think if you wanted to use it wirelessly you need the official dongle. But if you get it and you have a ps4 you can play ps4 games anywhere lol

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Actually I think dork souls looks gimmicky as hell and I don't like the art style or game design

In general I think design that specifically tries to punish you for death is bad and anti-fun as it limits experimentation and emphasizes failures

If I wanted to ratchet up my fear of failure again I would just call mom

What is dragonrot

Yes they do a little of it in sekiro but it's half-assed and doesn't really do anything other than make you use the dragon charm every once on a while

Still a design flaw imo. They are kind of stuck on the dark souls mentality

Sekiro 2 will be sick

Trust me

you literally havent played any dark souls this arguments pointless unless you have. gimmicky is a reach -- it's basically adult zelda, complete with mature themes and difficulty.a Real Mature difficulty means youll be punished for dying, it forces you to prepare yourself and make decisions on the fly if you want to use limited resources this time around and go for the W, do optional content to level up, maybe figure out something else

and you can call it gimmicky but theres some magic on top cuz you can pvp where you want, read and write messages to other players, drop in to random peoples worlds to help em out, etc. if you think those kinds of things or being punished for losing is gimmicky you should take a step back and see how repetitive the games you like are and realize that the way DS does it means that their ideas and concepts are more original than anything lol

and when its that difficult beating things in 1 try actually feels very rewarding and not like youre just running through Kingdom Hearts 3, playing bosses that were probably playtested with children