Gamers Thread

is hollow knight worth a play through

ok this is actually gotta be a must play

oo nice ty

if you like metroidvanias sure, but don't feel bad if you don't like it its kinda polarizing

I wish sekiro let you get rid of the charm first playthrough. Ng+ felt like how the game should have been played. Blocking causes you chip damage so you need perfect parries


for a moment the internet thought that dunkey had a leaked cucktape


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ANother hot take coming through -

CHaracter customization is a game design red herring that isn't worth anything and doesn't actually add anything of value to a game

It's a dumb barbie doll feature pushed by games journos who want to self-insert into everything

It also never actually works well - I saw some people complaining they couldn't design themselves in the witcher but the thing is you weren't actually designing yourself in skyrim either - you designed some vaguely-human monstrosity with similar eye and hair color as you

I think that skill trees are acceptable customization but really why lock players out of content? If I don't have all the skills by the end of the game then you just designed a system where you built features and mechanics that players will consistently miss because they only have enough skill points to unlock a few of them

While we're talking about that another good criticism of sekiro: they designed cool moves and tools and then made them cost something to use so you never really want to use them

Does this add anything to the game? Wouldn't it be more fun if you could just use the cool moves and tool abilities without worrying about wasting spirit emblems? Of course you would have some mechanic to limit spam and abuse

i kinda like your skill tree argument. i think that its okay to "lock players out of content" if you are properly informing them of what each skill tree leads to and their overall design is thoughtful/implicit and not confusing/arbitrary. also giving players the proper time to enjoy the benefits of end-game trees and the currency to explore and dual build without just giving it all away. Deus ex isnt the greatest example (lol swimming skill) but it had a great approach, and went beyond skill trees and did shit like story trees long before it became popular

character customization helps me create fond memories of my monstrosities showing up in cutscenes and defeating monsters.

I would argue that especially in RPGs character customization is important. You are playing your characters story, and by extension, your story. If the devs don't want the player to play an individualized story but instead their own on rails developed one thats fine, it's a different avenue of design.

Sekiro isn't an RPG so it doesn't need character customization, but any RPG with story elements worth its salt should have character customization.

Oh by customization I meant like using different weapons or even an entirely unique odd weird build. Idc about character customization and find it takes away from the story in story driven games

But having different ways to play the same game, especially RPG games, feels very nice and adds a lot to replayability to me

i thought nier had a hot take on this

never looked into what was viable tho maybe most of its dumb

This is interesting but isn't exactly what I meant.
My greatest examples are from the CRPG genre, specifically fallout since it's very popular and everyone will understand what im saying.
In fallout 2, there was a large variety of skill combinations that you could take to facilitate your ideal character roleplay. Want to play some sort of mentally retarded ogre creature who enjoys baseball bats? Doable. Want to play some suave talking assassin who has some loyal companions he can fall back on in a large fight? You can do that too. There are other combinations but im getting lazy. The point is, aesthetic features can be a big part of the roleplay in an RPG. Whether you want to be a sterotypical looking guy for that build, or be the polar opposite or anything inbetween the choice is yours and it helps you personalize your playthrough. Sure I can personalize my playthrough in Sekiro a bit based on skill choice and how I move through the levels, but in the end im playing Sekiro playing Sekiro's journey, not mine.

yeah i wish we had better writers for that but alas

Videogames will most likely never attract top tier writers until enough money is pumped into it that their autism is overcome
Competent writes are pretty much all autistic control freaks and they want their stories told exactly the way they want with the pacing they want and the moods and perspective they create. Videogames subvert all of this
Examples including jk rowling saying that harry potter is really into anal vore and that ron weasley crawled up his asshole and became the cum in his balls

This is definitely a valid point

this is the ending to enter the void btw get spoiled

At the end of the day this is all nonsense and gibberish and everything boils down to "Is it fun"

At a certain point I stopped caring if a game was intelligent, well-designed, mature or whatever, I just ask is it fun and am I having fun and that's it

hollow knight was a no
kh3 was a no
Sekiro is a hard yes. The most fun out of anything else I have played in the last 2 years

phoenix wright on steam, anybody getting on that?