Gamers Thread

This shit is so sad

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I think I'm going MRA

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Let's not sleep on the fact that these streamers intentionally position themselves to lure these guys in

and many male streamers would just as soon do the same if they had the opportunity

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I think that streaming, as it exists today, is a societal evil that needs to be regulated, controlled, and morally reviled like gambling or doing drugs

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Verified 18+

In Islamic countries: immediate beheading

There are plenty of people that still game and stream just because it's fun and those are not the ones I am talking about


Let me put it this way: If your stream has a camera on it you are a camwhore and should be regulated as part of the greater industry you have placed yourself in: prostitution.

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Maybe jdance would still be alive today if not for streaming

Maybe that valve shill guy that posted here would not have had his mental breakdown

I am going to find Jeff Bezos and make him pay.

Everyone should just stream with the program that motion captures your face and displays it with an animal head. All the real intellectuals (centrists) already do this on YouTube

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sure, it is exploitative

but just how pathetic and delusional do you have to be to throw money at somebody and somehow expect them to like you for your personality online and be willing in getting into a relationship in real life

it's mental illness and a business built on exploiting mental illness

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We don't call people with bipolar disorder or social anxiety pathetic so why should we look down on these sorry fucks

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They dont get to this state by just deciding one day they are going to lurk in some stream chat

It is likely a culmination of a lifetime of bad choices and unfortunate events and just general unaddressed mental problems until one day you're calling a 20 yr old a cunt in a private message because you found out she has a boyfriend

actually agree, there should be strict rules and information ie. what donating, subscribing etc. means and what it doesn't mean for both parties

(for twitch sub there obviously are, don't bother reading them)

basically a warning sign


this specific group is a bit tough to help though, hard to reach - don't you think?

on many standards they're probably healthy enough - as the system looks into factors like wealth and such, not just lonely and hopeless people