Shirley this won't be a complete disaster
It was a complete disaster
how does vassalage work in ck3? do treaties survive a leader?
at jaydaence
idk what you mean do you mean alliances?
Oh my fucking god lmao wtf
yea homie
If a character is in the diplomacy tree they can get a perk to propose an alliance with someone that is outside of their family and without marriage but it has the usual +/- modifiers so a count will very likely not be able to secure an alliance with a king with this method without a hook. The other way is to marry a family member to theirs. Usually the alliance only lasts for the one player character's life but if you for example marry your player heir for a marriage the alliance will continue through the player heir's life ass well
cheers homie and thanks
once i've wasted enough time in stellaris ill checkout ck
just rememered i made this for my friend after his goofy 14-14 clutch in silver (we won)
fucking legendary
notice his score at the bottom
when you get 1v4d on the most important round of the game by the 37 adr guy with 6 kills and hes using the worst gun in the game