Gamers Thread

im gonna be fixing shit sometime this weekend. dan ruined my experience


Mine too - please revert all dan CSS changes back to the colors they were before

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its out baby

Where is Amber? Why is it taking so long? The users requested this months ago. Can we start to trim the staff’s wages on this project until some real deliverables are met?

wheres my reminder dude

i remember back in the days of the witcher 3 there was one guy that would just spam threads shitting on the game with the same arguments - eventually someone exposed him

wonder if this is the same person and he’s just spent years jumping from game to game, making 1 thread a day about how that game is going to be so bad, repeating the same unfunny memes and jokes that you don’t get because you arent autistic enough

sorry ■■■ your game is dead

Good riddance modern blizzard sucks anyways sand do Shit right

Lmao the community is very peeved about the fact that the big 2.0 update from one year ago basically removed the ability to directly buy cosmetics and now they’re bitching about the game not being profitable. Economists are coming out of the woodwork to call them idiots and saying they scared the whales off themselves

Blizz idiots

Nothing new there

They are under pressure to tighten the belt from Activision

Ultimately this doesn’t matter for the games - esports were a red herring - but they will probably be on a slow and steady decline now that they have direct intervention from these guys scrutinizing everything to make sure it’s profitable

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I'm enjoying seeing redditors start to realize the blizz hands-on model of doing esports is total crap

Just looking through the subreddit (never played this game) and here is a nice message from one redditor

What plagues too many esports are league systems organized by the company behind them, and it's one of the main things that separates CS ( and stuff like tournament fighters ) from other esports. Every league or tournament organized in that game is from orgs like ESL or FaceIT or whatever-the-fuck and the scene itself wouldn't be too heavily impacted by the lack of Majors ; even with Majors ,Valve lets others organize it ( like Technical DifficultiesFaceIT Major or all of the ELeague ones or the Dreamhack Winters or ESLs ) and only ever do it due to revenue they get from people spending money on dropped cases or souvenirs.

CS as an esport was just let freely to develop , and since the game at its core allows for extremely high level of play, it just flourished. It's the single most proper example of a natural scene, developed purely by its players and people interested, unlike artificial scenes like what ( sadly ) HGC was or OWL is. Because let's be honest, OW is a dumpster-fire when it comes to being played competitively.

Pretty much sums it up. When you have these artificially created scenes being propped up by the company, when that prop gets removed you are hung out to dry. All of these modern Esports companies are guilty but Blizz the most so - their games have virtually no organic support whatsoever because they just aren't fun to play or watch.

Next few years we will probably see more of these collapse and each one will be a shitshow because people can't conceive of what a competitive video game scene without the company behind the game pumping million+ into it every year looks like any more

People forgot about playing games for fun.

I read the quoted text but I didn’t read any of the redditor’s message

Lol the most organic scene of them all was melee considering sakurai didn’t even want that shit to exist

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I’m quite sure I dont understand what you mean

Yeah or like TF2 where there were competitive players for 10 years only about 5 people per season made enough money back to cover costs of travelling to the LAN in the first place

That wasn’t successful tho

Successful by what metric