Gamestop stocks

where'd you learn that

Soy will continue to be served to the population. We can't have masculinity. It protects borders and makes babies and other manly shit

Invest in fake meat.

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You don't want manly men like this kittens no no no. You want the soy latte boys who are feminists

you have really odd ideas about what masculinity should look like and how vegetables contribute to that

hey kittens, just ate a shitload of this

and i fully expect it to form into the best dump of my life

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I just aate a whole bowl of soybean sprouts those mfers are good

What's manly to you, a barista? It's not veggies. It's the chemical concoction of plant based meat

Soy is also used to make a plant-based version of heme, a compound found in beef, to make the burger taste like meat. Soy products do contain isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen called phytoestrogen. As the name suggests, it's similar to the human hormone, but much weaker, according to Harvard Health.

Bananas make me shit best

the strongest, most bioavailable source fo phytoestrogens is in beer, vodka, and bourbon

one sip of alcohol or coffee is going to feminize you way more than eating tofu 3 times a day,phytoestrogen%208pn%20on%20the%20planet!

Fuck me

Phytoestrogens are present in the barley

Anyways any plant derived food has phytoestrogens but the effect of them is negligible. Also any grass fed/grain fed beef has them. You're more likely to be "feminized" by adrenal issues from eating an all-protein diet or drinking alcohol

You can't take my coffee away at least

Among men, consumption of caffeinated coffee increased total testosterone and decreased total and free estradiol. Among women, decaffeinated coffee decreased total and free testosterone and caffeinated coffee decreased total testosterone.

this whole all meat thing is just a ploy to sell books to the ■■■■■■■■

Im not eating plant based meat. I'll try it. Not eating it daily

plant FED meat

for starters


i don't even care or think about that shit and people like you who're obsessed with expressing themselves in a way that they perceive as being hyper-masculine, and think that anything less than that is bad and makes you a pussy is just fucking weird out of whack

you should get into the BEAR scene, you'd be perfect

So ur saying u has a man bun and enjoy pumpkin peppermint spice lattes okay

so im saying i drink black coffee and that you're a fucking frighteningly audacious gimp gangster of trash, loser

Turbo ■■■

shut the fuck up you absolute ■■■■■■