Gamestop stocks

trying to make money off of these meme stocks at this point, you might as well go to vegas and have some fun while gambling your money away.

and psa squeezing a couple firms' short isn't "fucking over wall street" or really even making a dent. it's a waste of time and brain power and the only people that will actually get hurt by this is the FOMO idiots that bought in above 300

the real shame being brought upon by this whole mess ist hat now WSB is full of casuals and FOMO idiots. WSB used to be funny, entertaining, clever, and profound. now it's just 99% idiots saying robinhood is the devil even though it becamse clear 2 days ago that robinhood had zero choices other than to restrict trading

Yeah you're a dumbass moron btw

youre like 21 years old or something, dont even pretend to understand finance more than me

You're a conservative

I don't know anything about finance, but I do know that whatever you think about finance is wrong because you're a dumbass conservative trump voting gun boarding black hating moron

I can tell, based on your online posting style, that you have a blue lives matter sticker on your ford f150

you're basically a child its kind of sad that you act like this. none of the shit u said about me is even true u idiot. and u can think im dumb all you want or that i dont know about finance. like... go for it lmao. i dont think anyone reading this forum would take your word or opinion over mine, so dunno lol

suggesting to people to hold GME at this point is what an irresponsible fuckwit with no capital of their own to invest would do


Also the vast majority of the people investing put in between 100-500 dollars so who cares if they actually lose that they sure dont

You're wrong and everyone here knows it.

Built ford tough fucking loser

how do you people put up with this idiot

  1. the "vast majority" of people wont die from covid. so who cares?
  2. losing 500 dollars actually hurts a lot of people

2 real bad arguments there bud

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it does seem that there is this rise in stock market interest that will definitely encourage people that probably cant afford to lose a few hundred bucks to throw away that few hundred bucks.

News coverage of this frames this simultaneously as some millennial backlash from the 2008 crash and bank bailouts as well as a success story of young people that learned the market and made money off of it. It is irritating. Appropriate coverage would be explaining what the hedge funds were doing put to the benny hill theme. Use this to make this dumb institution look as clowny as it is.

no they arent you're jus apparantly dumb

honestly the fact that my opinions are ever questioned on this forum is fucking hilarious and pathetic. youre all dog water