Girlfriend Dumped Me Bidenomics Meal Stack


White people smh

Bean curd? What is curd?

get real

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It's when a turd becomes cheese. turd + cheese = curd

The idea of tofu has really been bothering me these last 24 hours. A malignant modern idea and a sign of the times

I think @ilmemmerdelui quit the forum last night.

All i have are my suspicions but theyre yet to lead me astray

Anybody hearing someone begging for attention?

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Some day when you're older, more mature, and more educated, you'll see the appeal of an ascetic diet.

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I didnt sleep a lick last night because the idea of bean curd permeated my brain and bled my sheets. The uncomfortable slishing and sloshing of my sheets against my naked skin haunted me as my brain failed to grasp the abject disgustion of tofu

how awful
must be so terrible for you
pure horror
how will you go on?

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truly grounding me, realizing the differences between our experiences rn. what do i have to complain about in the face of this reality? i'm so sorry jdance, i can't know your pain but i can offer my thoughts and prayers.

thinking of you.

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Hows this make you feel white boy

In the brief sleep i experienced hunger.

In my dreams, in an attempt to satiate and realign myself with the world, i desired the taste of something real, something meaty, something of this earth. Not engineered, but beautifully created. Something designed, by a beautiful and natural process. Tested by time. Tested by death. Tested by joy. I miss @seth.

In my dreams i killed many animals you see. However, my experience of joy and conquer turned sour in my mouth as i gut them and inside they are made of bean curd

To be continued (i am at work)


I got three more of those fuckers in the freezer but I snagged a pack of .99/pound drumsticks today we're eating good this week and its lush and i mean lush

I would like to apologize for this one. I hit writers block in the work bathroom

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I didn't read it anyways
