GlazedGaming General

if u a g, watch this.

2:0, 4 us cuz we pro. S1mple.


whats next for glazed gaming

He hires some one that isnt an idiot and proof read their work properly

easy, hire numeta

hes a coach

now put me in as a standin


i gotta say is i extended the olive branch to numeta. Dont blame me if he still makes up all his dotA bull without being paid for it.

will you be looking into weed sponsors #glazed

Maybe CBD oil sponsors. Wont go further then that my dear man.

wtb some #Glazed#Oil

If the oil doesn’t get me nice and #glazed it isn’t good enough

Do you ship glaze to Chicago @GlazedGaming

No shipment of #Glaze yet

CBD doesnt get you high, but its great for anyone with any mental issues or social anxiety. It covers almost all the bases that magnesium 5htp and other stuff does.

Whoa mental issues and anxiety? What’s the largest amount of this product I can purchase from you???