
Neutral evil

I did neutral evil like 10 mins ago

You gotta try these chips bro. You might eat the whole bag (in addition to the chips haha)

@Von So here's the lone druid build:
Not shown: Aghanim's Shard on bear at minute 15:



I've been starting off as Core (Mid/Offlane) and then transitioning to jungle on my main hero while the bear roams.
With the Fetch ability (Essentially Batrider Lasso) + Force Staff you can be a very powerful initiating tank.
Bear runs at over 400ms and has 4000 EHP, you can run up and grab anyone you want.
Enemies have to commit so much to kill the bear that it's never worth it for them to start a fight on it.

I've done it in two games so far, both easy wins. Chris legitimately thinks that it's OP. That's how good it is.
I think someone should show this to @NumetaGodwastaken


I no longer random Lone Druid. I first-pick instalock him.

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The bear has a base mana pool now to use force staff?

Yes he has a small base mana pool to cast his Fear spell and use items. I also buy Arcane boots (disassemble into Lotus) and get a neutral item for mana.

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Very cool

Blink bear lasso almost makes me want to play again

good night all
hope you all had such a great day like myself.

Yeah, this is indeed a clip of you literally feeding. Thanks for proving our point.

nmagane - My dota plays are divine intellect

no actually they're ni++ggerlicious

He is ancient, he ranked down

The biggest lie ever told: nma is divine

buy reddit raindrop..... go 0 10. its a me nmaganee... hahahaha

bunch of touchy folks in here

I an not a sex offender

Divine intellect? Again dude, not everything is a "I'm so smart you're so dumb" argument.
Stop being so schizo about everything I say.

My dota plays are very normal and average, I am an average rank player - 4.6k mmr.
You can view that clip as feeding but I view it as starting a good teamfight for my blink heroes.

I'm pretty confident about my skill level and I'm pretty sure the results speak for themselves.
Having a 60%+ winrate in high ancient-divine bracket while playing the exact way I do is not just "getting lucky", it works - simple as that.

You constantly trying to tease me about it is cute and flirtatious, but you know that I'm in the right here.

Wanna queue with Chris and I? Quick couple of games before he leaves for work.

My solo ranked stats in the last year: