GranDGranT Gone


Idk what the fuck tea is and I am posting thoughts.

It's not just you

i remember when henry made an nadota account and tried to defend himself for a few days and then he realized everyone already knew how crazed he was and hated him for it so he just gave up and left

i dont really give a fuck about this grant shit but i could laugh at henry for days

pretty sure hes actually mentally ill though so i feel a bit bad

Henry threads were always so good because people would be flaming him and he would show up and argue back and then they would post clips of him raging on stream and keep flaming him

Maybe that's the toxic shit we are supposed to be moving away from but thats core nadota right there

I remember accidentally taking nytes hoodie

i do my duty of stopping by his stream to ask him why he keeps buying high mmr accounts then i get banned

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Then I tried to mail it back to nyte and ups thought you were a business

What is the right way? You can see that Llama tried to address the doxxing and death threats with the org and they didn't do shit. What other way is there?

pretty sure he has to buy high mmr accounts because he can't raise one himself lol

like 3 years ago when i still played dota seriously i made a stack with henry for some open qualifier, we got to the finals and were playing against some stack of like mike brax and fluff or something. henry got mad that we picked nightstalker for him so he intentionally fed and then muted himself in discord to talk to his stream. im sure he deleted the vod but i wish i could find it


you read that twitlonger wrong. GRANT claimed LLAMA sent HIM deaththreats and doxxed him.

tea = lore that hasn't been previously disclosed or is not widely known

love that.

I didn't read it wrong. Grant harassed her, falsely accused her of death threats and doxxing. Llama tried to address it through the org (which some here believe is the "right way"). The org said "ok it won't happen anymore" and then Grant chirped her out of the community.

So if not Twitter mob or going straight to the org, what then?

when u streaming next?

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did grant chirp her out or did she chirp herself out?

look at her course of action then look at how she still wont let it go.

now also look at the fact that literally everytime she casted there were multiple hate threads on reddit about how awful she was.

so let's review.

  1. grant made comments that don't really harm her at all on some forum.
  2. llama tries to get him fired at a place where most of the ppl there are this friends and shes brand new.
  3. bts tells her he wont do it again(did she really want him fired for rmaking stupid posts on some forum??)
  4. she felt it wasnt enough so she tried to get him banned on twitch
  5. twitch didnt ban him so she tried to get conrad fired
  6. twitich wouldnt fired conrad so she sued grant lolz

not to mention during all this time from her first official cast to her last there are threads EVERYDAY ABOUT HOW AWFUL SHE IS.

she literally showed up to BTS full on Karen mode then got purged by the COMMUNITY -- NOT GRANT

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I don’t mean llama i think that was fine and straightforward. That only furthers the reality that the industry/culture needs changing because it was the executive branches choosing to push or not push complicity