GranDGranT Gone

apparently there are also more ppl who havent come out. grant apparently has a long history of this sort of thing sadly

The zyori stuff seems really far-fetched

What I found on reddit was basically

  1. She successfully sued grant and had a restraining order because he was a shithead to her, but her casting career was basically ended. BTS and others kept inviting Grant to events and stopped inviting her

  2. Grant's been an idiot and shitty to women this whole time (which is just a given, idk why ppl were hiring him ever, do you not watch his streams or read his posts)

  1. One reddit commenter made the good point that while llama wasn't very good and there wasn't much of a career to salvage, it's also been the case that truly awful male casters and "talent" have made careers out of it by just being part of the "in-crowd" - so it's not really fair to say she was shit when most casters are shit anyway

And lastly looks like redeye is getting called out for being a major creep, which is great.

I've been saying for years they should stop hiring "shoutcasters" and "talent" - they are dumbasses and add nothing to the game. Look at tobi wan kenobi for instance. Apparently the guy started his own cryptocurrency during the bitcoin craze.

Ppl who do that shit should be locked in a room somewhere, not given contracts as public figures and a massive social media following. Dont put idiots in positions of power it's really that simple

Oh this is the main thread yea sad but expected

Read my post above. I think BTS stopped inviting her because she was a terrible caster and everyone else refused to co-cast with her. My guess is that she saw it as a smear campaign started by Grant.

Who knows? Maybe it was. Maybe there was no lawsuit. Reddit has so much bullshit it's hard to believe anything these days.

llama posts like an idiot who would blame her shortcomings on others when in reality she's shit at dota and even worse at talking about dota.

regardless no one deserves harassment.

but what exactly was his harassment? was it him saying he doesnt enjoy her casts then his fans attacking her? i mean people should be able to voice their opinons but ye grant holds more power than he knows now or knew back then.

regardless i doubt anyone wouldve freaked out on him over llama.

him touching on girls genitals while theyre sleeping after being heavy intoxicated is what people are upset about.

Who's the second line about i cannot find the tweets for that anywhere

ill let kkat link it. im too lazy. its posted in the thread on reddit where he bailed oiut

Found it.

Might be deleted. I don't use or understand Twitter.


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At least jn not fucking gay

r u drunk or on drugs bud

Thinking about karma-whoring with the Grant vs Fear vid.
Probably would get down voted into the abyss.

Try it

I'll do it

Might call it "Grant get so drunk he pukes and then rapes a noob."

On second thought, that might be a bad idea. That vid shows the worst of Grant.

God damn wtf grant rofl

Well thats dumb but grant always had social he's honestly on the spectrum