GranDGranT Gone

idk why he felt now was the time to post about how ixmike sold out to lebron when the topic of discussion is sexual harassment lol

some people just have stuff they want to get off their chest

ye its just odd timing lmao. very odd timing

not really. a lot of people are posting stuff besides sexual assault and sexism.

i think the thing about jimmy is pretty funny, demon is just so self-unaware its kinda sad. on one hand i cant blame him for shooting his shot but he just seems like he has no ability to read people or understand social situations


i keep seeing things that are pretty much just shitty behavior/weird behavior and ppl r tryna cancel these ppl and im just like jeez

why the fuck would anyone care about the ixdl shit. that lebron guy was a retard

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once everyone in nadota gets cancelled it'll be time for #plasma to come back

sex scandals in video game culture are going to play out very wierdly compared to any other field

baeroks my husbando and if youre talking shit about him i will fuck you up

he never needed the money, he just wanted out

knew the part of the site that he cherished most was gone

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thats what im saying, this man grant was a simpbeta, its so obvious.

Fluffiestbunny claims she was manipulated for years into doing the twitch camgirl stuff by some guy in her twitch chat

Seems like people see this as a "oh we shouldn't have flamed her for making softcore porn on twitch, she was manipulated into it and it wasn't her idea" but actually I see it as another institutional failure of twitch. They aren't protecting their streamers from creepy dudes convincing them to do explicit stuff on stream, they aren't protecting their (often underage viewers) from explicit content, all they really need is a rule against this type of content and they would be able to prevent 18 year old women being pimped out on the platform.

Instead they have actually enabled and encouraged this stuff over the years - preferred treatment for titty streamers, created entire sections of the site for it, supposedly backroom deals and relationships with some of these women - because the twitch staff are actually equally creepy and manipulative as this random dude who showed up in her twitch chat.

In summary: Next person to get called out on rape accusations shouldn't be a person at all, it should be twitch the organization

Twitch can't be responsible for the entirety of policing this shit. The whole fucking point of all of these stories is to make it apparant to the community that it's a big problem, and each person is responsible for helping prevent it.

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Regarding the $pitwad situation, I try to have respect for anyone that actually contributes to the community or tries to create something lasting whether it be forums/leagues/tournaments/lans/teams/organizations etc. because I know how difficult and unappreciated it can feel at times. It's a lot of work that usually results in a financial loss for most people and you end up having to play babysitter to a bunch of man-children who come across as whiny, mouth breathing, narcissistic, entitled, premadonna's that saw the movie Mean Girls, and decided it'd be their life's calling. Good help is very difficult to come by. It is a labor of love and that love will be tried and tested every day. The good people and memorable moments make it all worth it though. That being said, there have been some rather shady people in the past in charge of shit throughout the history of dota(anyone who has been around since wc3 dota knows what I'm talking about), and all things considered Aaron comes across as a pretty decent dude, though I did not know him as well as some others did. I think he just got burnt out and I can relate to that. I don't think anyone has any serious beef with him, people are just upset that something that felt special to us all, that had an...interesting history and culture just disappeared one day unexpectedly, and a lot of people weren't given a reason.

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They can't police everything but they can have policies in place that make it so their platform isn't a place to do it

Nah, that isn't addressing the problem. That's diverting the problem to another place. People who aren't fucked in the head all need to take responsibility for helping change this shit, and identify people who ARE fucked in the head quickly and call them out when they try to commit abuse, whether sexual or otherwise

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Being flamy online is funny and all, and there is a grey line where it becomes abuse. But it kinda needs to stop in case that hasn't been made apparent to some of you

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lmfao its so obvious like of course it was a top down sort of thing, if you want to be big on twitch you gotta fucking do the sluttiest shit and suddenly every fucking twitch beta mod is protecting you like you are the chosen one. And twitch allows it because they believe it to be some sick twisted empowering for female streamers to use their beauty on literal 12 year olds for views and clout.

I agree its enabling because since women who are modest get no views, of course you are gonna slut it up a bit if you want the money you need to pay your rent.

but this fluffiest bunny story reads as a girl who decided she needed the money from this rich guy who promoted she do risky things to gain views who her underdeveloped brain at 18 decided was okay, im sure shes moving into a relationship and is beginning to see the errors of being a legit twitch thot.

Actually I feel you're diverting the problem

It's like when we talk about there being a handful of companies responsible for like 70% of the world's harmful emissions but those same companies take out ads saying things like "What did YOU do today to prevent climate change?? Climate change tip: eat broccoli for breakfast and ride your bike to work!"

Yes, we all have a personal responsibility to be decent people. Some of us need help or correction on that. But when you see widespread failures like this, these are institutional failures. They are failures of the systems and organizations that are turning a blind eye to this stuff.

Shitting on Grant or saying "we all need to be better" is fine but it doesn't solve the root of the problem.