GranDGranT Gone

Yeah ham was chill.

One of my highlights still was when we were drinking pyramid apricot beers in the garage and taking cold medicine because I was actually sick. That was Finals day too.

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simpler times...
ah yes, the post-ti/post-lan nerd-flu

still aint washing hands in 2020

Dude I could’ve broken into the commentator scene after I did play by play on the basketball court at ti2


New User of the Month award for May 2020


i await the groupies

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V1lat (reddit):

Also note the CIS talent have had a very particular sort of reaction to this stuff

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Yikes ——- that’s gotta be crazy working an esports event and dealing with a chick with a knife

V1lat's thoughts seem pretty nuanced but it does seem the CIS community as a whole have some issues with women

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CIS cancelled

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do all cosplayers have bpd?

TI4 zombie bowl flu gg'd me for like 2 weeks.

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a "shoe incident" lmao....

Bro it was a bad time. Red punch got on my white shoes

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I was young, dumb and unafraid

just rememberd i met jeremy lin (im a big basketball fan) at ti and then got put on the live camera inside the stadium/on stream looking like a starstruck ■■■■■■

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Things dota players are good at ? Denying :rofl:

Not me

Gonna be interesting when stuff starts coming out about LoL players then

Okay I’m sorry I shouldn’t joke about this