GranDGranT Gone

Bring back bust your nads @Akiri

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Damn they got taken down rofl

I do believe I have those all somewhere, even unreleased ones.

rofl nads was the worse fucking acronym

I wanna go watch those interviews lol. Bdiz so good

I swear this is astroturfing

Like who reads "The guy had a court case for slamming his wife's head against a wall, leaving a dent (she's in a wheelchair so couldnt do anything about it) and locked his kids in their room for so long they shit themselves" and goes and posts "Stop with the vile attacks against the man's family!"

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If you want to prevent vile attacks against redeye's family why dont you start by locking up redeye


It's fucking reddit to be fair

And have you seen some of the stuff in this thread

I'd bet you're talking about refspi and what refspi was saying was right (tho definitely presented from a fairly twisted world view)

I can't comment on the allegations, to me it was hard to read as I grew up listening and watching Paul doing stuff in esports back in 2003/4/5 when I was a teenager. But what i can comment on is the vile attacks on a man's family. That is a line you don't cross. If Paul did do everything that was alleged, then fine, but you don't go and start doing personal attacks that involve his family, that is just digusting

Top reddit comment, 700 upvotes
The thread itself has only 1400 upvotes

Then there are a bunch of lower comments along the lines of "This Banks guy is making disgusting personal attacks, hope he is happy never working in the industry again" - sound familiar? It's what redeye was threatening him with before he went public

Saw the chain with @BanKsEsports and whats happening in the e-Sports world. I want to set the record straight because it deserves more justice. I was the person punched at work by the named person back in 2015. 1/3

I can assure you it was NOT "handbags at dawn" it was two punches in the ribs and one in the stomach, at WORK. He never apologised until years later and I def. never apologised to him. He was put on "leave", told to take a vacation. 2/3

Entire management at Gfinity was glad to see the end of that PoS. The industry is better off without him; good riddance. 3/3

(@samvantillburgh on twitter)

no, I was talking about the numerous people engaging in rape apologism in this thread

So refspi

There were a lot of people that made comments victim-blaming and brushing it off

Can you quote some

Lol there's 1262 posts and I'm on mobile

Reddit is cringe and always has bad takes u guys haven’t realized thsi by now? Every gaming subreddit is filled with bad takes about game balance and game design and reddit like notoriously ruins games by making devs think they should patch a game a certain way Because shitters on reddit say so

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if reddit can single handily ruin games with shitty takes imagine how bad they’re gonna be when it comes to “controversial” social-issues like sexual assault, rape, and abuse. Which isn’t actually that controversial these kids are just Virgin nerd 15 year olds

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that was not written by demon lol

some pseudo-legal rambling

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FYI it takes a lot more than just a blink of an eye and cheap small talk to erect my penis.

- Jimmy "Dota Demon" Ho