Grimstroke Discussion Thread

Discuss all things related to Grimstroke here.

hotd, atos, meteor hammer, aether, refresher

Im sure theres a lot of silly shit you can do witht his hero but I actually think you just buy normal ass 4 role items

mana boots veil urn glimmercape

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The hero also has no defense besides using his e to save himself

it seems more often than not, you can just jump on grim and hes ddead

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Friendly reminder to stroke it.


I did an agi build… aquila -> phase -> etc. and it was good

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so whats the support build

Im pretty sure you max e first

but I dont know where you go from there

I think its 4-1-4-1

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i picked puck when this hero was on the other team

do not be like me

do not pick puck when this hero is on the other team.

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The E is so strong in lane

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still not sure how you dont feed with this hero

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Grimstroke theme


I went 1/1/4 laning with an Ursa and we won our lane quite hard against a weaver pudge (+rubick). The silence has a really long duration with just one level but it’s very easy to kill

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His shield is busted. Immune, does damage, Ms boost, and stuns

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I think if you’re offlaning, the q is really powerful because the range lets you cast from tree fog at enemy tower. Pretty dumb. You can set up a lot of kills, it’s almost as strong as a pudge hook when you’re timing it right.

The W is pretty strong. Really powerful control, I hate it.

E is whatever, and ult is whatever.

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How is his E whatever?

its a 400 damage 4+ second aoe stun that makes your ms 50% faster, unhittable, and all on a 15second cooldown!

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yeah wtf his w is his worst skill just fucking hit it twice and you’re good

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this hero is super strong in lane because of his E

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and his Q to a degree

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His e is his best spell and the slow on q is the best part about it imo

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His Q shits on pushes on your t3

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