Hamburger Helper Modification Thread (Souping Up Hamburger Helper) (Supercharged)

today i will eat a light lunch or dinner due to my illness

have you considered cooking some beans and rice and wrapping it in a tortilla for a carbohydrate heavy meal

Yes, I have those:

ok but what if you mixed beans into your hamburger helper

That's nasty.

infact, beans can replace the beef used in the hamburger helper, lowering costs

No, they cannot.

yes, they can.

In an effort to pass time until tomorrow, I am literally seated firmly in my chair, with my legs up, gazing out into my front yard, repeatedly counting to 10 in my head.

If I can force myself to sleep for about 15 hours it will be only 8 hours until I can eat or 7.5 hours until I can start cooking

Note that it is called Hamburger Helper and not Beans Helper

Think I usually eat once or twice a day i've lost at least 30 pounds in the past 2 months i think.

I blame not smoking enough

good luck matthew, not having money in this society is awful.

Fuck Jeff bezos

its time for you to man up and pave the way forward for it to be called bean helper

hambeanger helper if you will

God I'm fucking hungry

Just imaging a double barbacoa Chipotle burrito with both beans and guacamole

In my fucking mouth dude

i can order you a pizza if you would like fatty

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