What do you even do
Fuck I really need to work on this networking thing.
I think I can grift this guy into getting a boat and then sailing the pacific for like 6 months~
going to pawn my laptop for drugs (taco bell)
is starlink available to the publci yet
my girlfriend is refusing to accept the fact that i need to sell my laptop
the world: JuSt PlAy GaMeS wHeN yOu FiNiSh StUdYiNg
my brain:
jones im going to learn cobol and work on the main frame
sounds legitimately awful
im literally going to steal so much money
can't they just write a transpiler for cobol to a real language
normies: learn javascript and make minecraft mods
me: learn cobol and siphon money directly from the ach
you know the mainframes are really just running emulators for the earlier mainframes
im going to put it on rails
that put a chink in my plan for the transpiler and then verify equivalency of the cobol/out through some vm
u cant actually impleement the vm