Considering the fact that I have the ability to throw away more money than $500 I will not be displeased
can you pay for my cell service?
no i dont need to
Okay that's fine the most productive months of my life were when I had no computer no phone
i'll allow it
this makes no sense Text
I'll allow it
Lmao @ "text"
It was an accident, like you
Okay nyte is the one serially reporting posts to get them hidden
Did roragok White Knight you with the power to hide posts what the fuck
I get light headed and feel like I'm going to vomit when I think of alcohol. Very near panic attacks. Can't sleep whenever it happens. It's an irrational fear and it's getting worse for me
I get terrified and angry around people who have been drinking
It's really not fun
Saying some shit about how she would bleed everywhere
just came back to this shithole of a thread to remind jfaggot how unique I am