Hell Never Smelled Better,


AI. You've been replaced.

i can use ai for some of the filler text but it will be heavily modified

do you want to go to shalecliff?

bryn shander is west by the way.

bremen is east. your choice

also I have designed a custom layout for the crypt because admittedly the maps in the sign-up thread looked like shit

this is the layout for the crypt. you're still currently standing at the door to the ruins though. you can enter or go to shalecliff


actually the above is too big for a party of this size. I have regenerated the crypt please see below

sneak peak of room 1. normally I wouldn't show this but it's just to show the interactive potential within the room


this is the full map but most of it isn't relevant to this campaign

I enter the crypt and call out to all within to face me. This is a fight between me and them, not my family. Just like with the Tojo Clan in their war against the Yamagasa Family.

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@discobot roll 3d20

:game_die: 11, 6, 13

crypt entrance is in bottom left. you now stand there. where do you want to go

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what direction do you want to go

Go into. Crypts.
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 7

A failure!

Drop 1000 nukes on this world and everything is deleted

@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 2