help please

just commit to seeking a support system of some sort consisting of habitual meetings with somebody aware of the addiction and supportive of quitting as a key primary goal of re-establishing life after the move

I don’t see why you wouldn’t just kill jdance/yourself/continue to use drugs.

you dont need aa specifically imo, you need consistently rewarding social interaction that in your mind is directly linked to rewarding your continued total abstinence and staying on the straight path

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Yeah I really wanna do that through 1on1s though I can’t imagine standing up saying hi I’m addict every week for years doing good to self esteem

in the history of this site nobody who has ever made a thread to try and get money back from another poster has succeeded in getting that money back…, I suggest that you cancel this thread immediately

We’ve been through this before

Slimy bastard

Jdance is a working fellow… I doubt that he has any need to steal your money

Ya he does it for the thrill

Or whatever beta alanine high he’s on

There’s definitely irony in that my boys a prty hard stimulant addict

I have no idea how he didn’t overdose on how much adderall he used to take at once

Not even that long ago at all


I like how you link some weird rehab page as proof that getting sober with another addict in a relationship is possible lmfao. As someone who works in the industry we laugh at all those private rehabs that advertise like that because that shit is actually retarded and any page that has a giant phone number at the top just wants your insurance money

Just let me have a go at Rose how am I a hypocrite

Ok you caught me.

I’m divchan420 and I’m a pot addict.

wow that was tough to say

edit nvm im dumb thought you were referring to my thing

how do I start doing drugs?

I have 35$ to my name.