Did I hit a nerve about ur dick or whatever
you’re just really fucking boring dude
Do u even hit the cervix bro ?
So why the fuck are u here ur boringer if ur nights just entertaining a boring guy
because I’m here being INTERESTING and you’re here BEING boring
That’s actually feeding into the side of me that wants to drink to not be boring though I bet ur satan
What makes u interesting desu…
well for one, I’m 5’7".
Pretty sure ur just an avatar for me to talk to… chatbot style
I could literally pin you down eat you out and rape you endlessly
Why haven’t you told me how big your dick is
I don’t want to do that
U can’t be interesting and reserved…Unless ur dicks small I guess
The most interesting things are the things you don’t know and/or understand.
You have much to learn.
Guess Jones has a shrimpdick
Stopped caring why dad left a long time ago
Staying clean will fix that
Yeah it’s already getting better