hero thread

im appreciative of havin a stooge member on the site as well. heres to plenty more positive contrubutions :)

i dont think im a stooge

stooge here

yns is very normal in real life

though i may not be the best judge

i feel like most people are normal irl

you would be surprised

i dont think ive met anyone from nadota before so i guess i could be

i went to possibly the least socially adjusted college program in the world tho so i like to think ive seen as bad as it can get

what was that program?

eecs at ucb?

interactive media and game design at USC
minored in cs and audio design

briefly double majored in crit studies but dropped it before i graduated.

im studying creative media and game technology in the netherlands

can confirm about what you said earlier. i was just complaining to iaafr about how im tired of nerdy and gamer culture and i wish i had some jock friends from uni

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games is a trap but im sure you already know that

in the sense of working in a gaming company or in general?

i do adore the risk of risking it all and trying to be a solo indie game dev. it feels like a romance

or playing games?

playing games as a habit is really harmful yeah

yea these things its both incredibly rewarding and like so fucking unbelievably hard

u can send me a selfie if u want

I suppose you could wear sweat pants to bestia but it might be better to go to berris at like midnight even tho that crowd is probably richer than bestia we can just sit outside and watch the Bentley’s roll up

That’s a pog